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SoundTouch 10 wireless speaker

Sold from 2020 – 2023

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Unable to access certain music library tracks

If some of the music tracks in your music library are not working correctly, here are a few steps that may solve your issue.

If tracks or playlists were recently added, sync the music library.

The Music Library automatically re-syncs every 15 minutes to scan for changes. If necessary, a sync can be manually started at any time. For more info, see Syncing the Music Library.

Search for the track in iTunes and be sure it is playable.

Using the search box, locate the track in the library. If more than one version of the track is found, be sure all versions play. Versions of the track that do not play should either be found by iTunes or removed from iTunes. If the track is removed, the library must sync before the change in reflected in the app. For more info, see Syncing the Music Library.

If the file is an iTunes audiobook, change the file extension to .m4a.

Find the iTunes audiobook file, then change the file extension from .m4b to .m4a. For more info, see Playing iTunes Audiobooks through SoundTouch.

If iTunes is used to manage the library, determine if the tracks are in the cloud.

In iTunes, find the column that has a cloud icon icon as a column header. If you don't see it, right-click any column header (Windows) or select View > View Options (Mac), then select the iCloud Download option. Any track that has a cloud icon in the cloud column will not be played by the SoundTouch app since the file is not stored on the computer. You can click the cloud download icon icon next to these tracks to download the them to your computer so the SoundTouch app can play them. Once downloaded, refresh your library. For more info, see Syncing the Music Library.

For iTunes libraries, go to the iTunes preferences and enable sharing your library with other applications.

Open iTunes and go to Preferences > Advanced, then check Share iTunes Library XML with other applications. If this option is not checked, other applications—like SoundTouch—will not find your iTunes library. (Note: This option is available in iTunes version 12.2 or later.)
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