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SoundSport Pulse wireless headphones

Sold from 2016 – 2019

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Fitness app setup - Endomondo (Android)

Your product can integrate with fitness apps to share information. You can now take advantage of your favorite compatible health app to monitor your exercise routine and enjoy other health features.

To set up the heart rate sensor in the Endomondo app for Android:

  1. Power on your headphones and connect them to your mobile device
    Tip: While connected, a battery icon appears next to the Bluetooth® icon on the device
  2. Place the headphones in your ears
    Tip: The heart rate sensor is located in the left earbud, so make sure it is securely in your ear
  3. Open the Endomondo app
  4. Log in to your Endomondo account, or create one
  5. Tap the Menu icon in the upper-left

    Selecting the menu in upper-left

  6. Tap Settings

    Selecting Settings

  7. Tap Accessory Settings

    Selecting Accessory Settings

  8. Tap Bluetooth SMART Sensors

    Selecting Bluetooth SMART Sensors

  9. Tap On

    Selecting the On button

  10. Tap Scan to search for the heart rate sensor

    Selecting the Scan button  App scanning

  11. When HR-Bose Soundsport Pulse, tap it to connect.

    Selecting the heart rate sensor  App showing heart rate sensor connected

  12. To view your heart rate, tap the Back arrow in the upper-left until you return to the app home screen.

    Selecting the back button  Selecting the back button  Selecting the back button  App main screen
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