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Bose Music Amplifier

Sold from 2022 – present

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Amazon Alexa cannot carry out command

If the Amazon Alexa voice assistant does not respond or is unable to carry out the request you ask, try the following:

Not all Amazon Alexa features are available on non-Amazon devices.

Some Alexa features are unavailable on non-Amazon-made products. Additionally, some features of your Bose product cannot be accessed via Alexa. For information about Alexa features and abilities not supported with your Bose system, see Features not available with Alexa.

In the Alexa app, disable and re-enable the Bose (Not for SoundTouch) skill.

To disable and re-enable the skill, open the Alexa app, select More, Skills & Games, type 'Bose (Not for Soundtouch)' into the search bar, and tap Search. Select the Bose (Not for Soundtouch) Skill for the option to 'Disable Skill' and then 'Enable To Use' afterward.

Please note: These steps align with the most current, up-to-date version of the Alexa app(IOS Version 2.2.581276.0/Android Version 2.2.546320.0). The steps may vary depending on older & future firmware.

Remove and re-add Alexa in the Bose app.

Open the Bose app icon and remove Alexa. Then, re-add the same Alexa account. This re-links Alexa to your Bose account and can correct any issues that may have occurred between the two accounts. For more info, see Adding or removing the Amazon Alexa voice assistant.

Reset your product.

Much like rebooting a smartphone, your product might need to be reset on occasion to correct minor issues. For more info, see Resetting your product.

When does the issue occur?

When asking Alexa to play an Internet radio station or a music service (i.e. Spotify, Deezer, Pandora, etc.)

When asking Alexa to control one of my multiple Bose smart speakers.

When asking Alexa to set a preset on my Bose smart speaker

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