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Bose A30 Aviation Headset

Sold from 2023 – present

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Understanding LED indicator status lights and information

Find out what the LED indicator light on your product tells you about the status of your product.

The Power and Bluetooth lights are located on the front of the control module.

Power Light

Power source Power light status Product status
Aircraft Slow blinking green Power On
Battery Blinking green Power On—batteries high (about 8 hours or more remaining)
Battery Blinking amber Power On—batteries low (about 2 to 8 hours remaining)
Battery Blinking red Power On—batteries low (about 2 hours or less remaining)*
Aircraft or battery None Power Off or batteries depleted
  • New AA alkaline batteries supply up to 45 hours of power for the headset. Battery life varies with the ambient noise level of the aircraft, temperature, ear cushion condition, Bluetooth feature use, and age of the batteries
  • Other battery chemistries may yield different results. Battery life may differ and battery life indication may not be accurate
  • *In Bluetooth models, when the batteries reach this level, the Bluetooth feature is disabled to conserve remaining power. You hear a tone, indicating your Bluetooth device is disconnecting and the Bluetooth feature is turning off.

Bluetooth Light

This section applies to Bluetooth models only. Shows the connection status of a mobile device.
Bluetooth light Status Product Status
Blinking purple (in sync with Power light) Ready to connect
Blinking blue (in sync with Power light) Connecting/Connected

Dimming the status lights

  • To dim the Bluetooth and power lights, double-press the Power button.
  • To restore brightness, press Power again, or turn the headset off and then on.

Turning off the status lights

  • To turn off the Bluetooth and power lights, triple-press the Power button.
  • To turn the lights back on, press Power again, or turn the headset off and then on.
The status lights will return to default brightness each time the headset is powered on.
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