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Bose Music Amplifier

Sold from 2022 – present

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Understanding LED indicator status lights and information

Find out what the LED indicator light on your product tells you about the status of your product.

Bluetooth LED Status Indicator States

The light above the Bluetooth button on the front of the amplifier provides information on the status of the device being connected.
Status indicator above the Bluetooth button
LED State Indicates
Slowly blinking blue Ready to connect to Bluetooth device
Blinking blue Connecting to Bluetooth device
Blue light fades bright then dims once Connected to Bluetooth device
Blinks blue 3 times Bluetooth device list memory cleared
Blinks blue and red for 3 seconds Amplifier is in Supplement mode. Bluetooth connection is disabled
Solid red Critical hardware error. Amplifier requires service
Note: The lights on the front and the back of the amplifier glow solid red simultaneously.*
*The front LED, when not playing a Bluetooth source, will have a faint red glow which indicates the amplifier is connected to power. A critical hardware error will be indicated by solid red indicators on both front and rear of the amplifier.

Wi-Fi, Power and Other Amplifier Status Indicator States

The lights to the right of the Reset button on the rear of the amplifier provides information of its Wi-Fi, power, update, reset and amplifier status.

Status indicator beside the Reset button
LED State Indicates
Slowly blinking white Powering on. Connecting to Wi-Fi
Solid white On. Connected to Wi-Fi
Slowly blinking amber Ready tor Wi-Fi setup
Solid amber after blinking Wi-Fi setup in progress
Slowly blinking green Amplifier is powering on in supplemental mode
Solid green Amplifier is on in supplemental mode
Blinking white Installing update
Solid white after blinking Update complete
Blinks red 3 times Reset complete
Solid amber Wi-Fi connection error
Blinks amber 4 times Network connection error or source error
Solid red Critical hardware error. Amplifier requires service
Note: The lights on the front and the back of the amplifier glow solid red simultaneously.

Acoustimass 300 / Bass Module 700 LED Status Indicator States

The light on the lower rear of the bass module provides power and connection status information.

Bass Module 700 status indicator
  LED State Indicates
LED off Off Power-saving mode
LED Amber - Blinking Amber - Blinking Ready to pair
LED Amber - Solid, dim Amber - Solid, dim Disconnected from the soundbar or control console
LED white - Solid White - Solid Connected to soundbar or control console
LED White - Blinking White - Blinking Downloading system update
LED Red - Blinking Red - Blinking Firmware error
  Any other states Unknown error. Bass module requires service
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