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Bose QuietComfort Earbuds

Sold from 2024 – present

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Using Touch Control

Use touch control by tapping or swiping the touch surface of either earbud. With touch control, you can play/pause audio, change the volume, perform basic call functions, adjust noise cancellation (noise cancelling earbuds only), and use a Shortcut.

Configuring the Touch Controls

About the Touch Surface

The touch surface is located on the outer surface of each earbud. The right earbud controls media playback, phone calls, and mobile device voice controls. The left earbud controls noise cancellation and your Shortcut.
Each earbud has 4 different action triggers that can be customised.

Default Settings

  Left Earbud Right Earbud
Single Press Play/Pause Play/Pause
Double Press Next Track Next Track
Triple Press Previous Track Previous Track
Hold Quiet/Aware/Off Quiet/Aware/Off

In the QCE app, select Touch Controls. You can then choose from a variety of actions to assign to each trigger.
For non-media control actions, such as Remote Selfie, Assistant, or Calls you can also assign these from the relevant section in the app.

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