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Bose noise-masking sleepbuds™

Sold from 2018 – 2019

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Connecting a Bluetooth® device using the Bose app

Find out how to use the Bose app to wirelessly pair your product to a Bluetooth device, like a smartphone or computer. This lets you control the sound you hear from your product.

Connect a smartphone or tablet running the Bose Sleep app.

You can connect a mobile device to configure your Sleepbuds. If you haven't yet, install the free Bose Sleep app on the smartphone or tablet you want to connect. You can get it from the App Store or Google Play.

  • To connect your Sleepbuds, just open the Sleep app and follow the instructions.
  • To reconnect later or, be sure Bluetooth is enabled on your device, then just remove your Sleepbuds from the case. They will automatically reconnect to the most recently connected device as long as it's within Bluetooth range.

If you are unable to connect a Bluetooth device, try our troubleshooting suggestions.

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