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Bose QuietComfort Ultra Earbuds

Sold from 2023 – present

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Earbuds don't fit

Please view these instructions for help and information on getting a proper fit:

Wearing your earbuds.

  1. Insert the earbud so the eartip gently rests at the opening of your ear canal.
    Each earbud is marked with either an R (right) or L (left).
    R marking on right earbud
  2. Slightly rotate the earbud back until the eartip creates a comfortable seal at your ear canal and the stability band rests against your ear ridge.
    stability band contact areas    tuck and rotate the earbud animations
    You may need to rotate the earbud back and forth for the eartip to create a  comfortable seal. However, rotating it too far back or forward may impact audio and microphone sound quality.
  3. Check the fit. (See details below).
  4. Repeat steps 1 – 3 to insert the other earbud.

If a larger or smaller eartips and stability bands are needed, request an Alternate Fit Kit.

For additional tips and stability bands, click here to request a free-of-charge Alternate Fit Kit of extra-small and extra-large eartips and stability bands.

Checking your fit.

For the best fit, audio performance, and noise cancellation, use a mirror to make sure you’re using the correct size eartips and stability bands. You may need to try a different size eartip or stability band for each ear.
You can also check your fit using the Earbud Seal Test in the Bose app. You can access this option from the earbuds Settings menu.


  • Proper fit - The eartip gently rests at the opening of your ear canal to create a comfortable seal.
    Background noise should sound muffled before the earbuds are powered on and noise cancellation is active
  • Too much pressure - The eartip feels uncomfortable and squished in your ear canal
  • Too loose - The eartip rests too deep in your ear canal, feels loose in your ear, or falls out when you move your head

Stability Bands

  • Proper fit - The band doesn’t stick out or feel squished against your ear ridge
  • Too big - The band is sticking out or feels squished under your ear ridge
  • Too small - The band doesn’t reach your ear ridge

Begin the Earbud Seal Test.

  1. In the Bose app icon, select your earbuds then tap the Settings icon icon in the upper-right corner.
  2. In the How To Wear section of the Settings menu, select Earbud Seal Test and follow the instructions presented in the app.
You may need to try a different size eartip or stability band for each ear. To order tips and stability bands in other sizes, go here or contact Bose customer service.

Try other size eartips and/or stability band sizes.

Wear the earbuds for an extended period of time. If the earbuds don’t feel comfortable or secure, or noise cancellation or sound quality isn’t as expected, try another size eartip or stability band. You may need to try all three eartip or stability band sizes, or use a different size eartip or band for each ear.
eartips and stability bands included

Eartips - The eartips come in small, medium, and large. Medium eartips come attached to the earbuds. If they feel too small, try large eartips. If they feel too big, try small eartips.
three different eartip sizes

Stability bands - The stability bands are marked with size 1 (small), 2 (medium), or 3 (large) and an R (right) or L (left). Size 1 bands come attached to the earbuds. If they feel too small, try size 2 bands.
three different stability band sizes
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