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ProFlight Series 2 Aviation Headset

Sold from 2019 – present

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Crackling sound in one earcup

If you headphones unexpectedly produces static or crackling noises from one sides of the headset, try the following:

Determine if any recent changes have been made to the headset or aircraft.

If any changes or modifications have been made to either the headset or the aircraft, look into whether or not those changes could have unexpectedly caused this issue.

Make sure you are using the correct eartip size to ensure a proper and secure fit.

Using an eartip that is too big or small for your ears will affect audio quality and noise cancellation.

Make sure you are using StayHear+ eartips.

These headphones are designed specifically for use with StayHear+ eartips. Use of any other eartips, including original StayHear tips, will result in low audio, poor sound quality and/or reduced noise cancellation.

Your StayHear+ Tips should look like this:

stayhear plus tips

Check if the noise is affected by the volume control on the aircraft panel volume control.

Without adjusting your headset volume, turn up or down the volume control on the aircraft panel. If the noise level changes as well, the noise is related to the signal being received from the panel.

Connect the headset to a different panel jack or, if possible, to another aircraft.

Non-TSO equipment, worn jacks/loose connections, or incorrectly wired jacks (i.e. reversed stereo or mic / ground wires) in the aircraft can cause issues. If available, try connecting the headset to another jack in the aircraft or to jacks in a separate aircraft. If the headset works fine when connected elsewhere, the panel jack or wiring to the jack is the issue.

Determine if the issue occurs when your headset is powered off.

Your headset works in passive mode (powered off with no noise cancellation). If the issue still occurs while the headset is powered off, the issue is related to signal coming being received by the headset from the aircraft panel (i.e. the connections, wiring, or interference).

If you have ever unplugged the microphone cable from the headset, disconnect it again and check for debris or damage at the connectors.

Make sure the connectors on the cable and at the headset are both free of debris (dirt, lint, dust, etc.) or damage, which could prevent a proper connection. For more info, see Attaching or moving the boom microphone on the headset.

Clean the headset cable connectors with isopropyl alcohol.

The connectors at the end of the headset cable might have debris or corrosion on them. Apply a small amount of isopropyl alcohol to a cloth, wipe the metal connectors, then dry them with a clean cloth. Once cleaned and dried, connect the headset and try again.

Determine if the issue occurs when the mic is in use.

If the issue only occurs when speaking through the microphone, the Down Cable may have failed. Follow the link for more information on how to service your product. Depending on your product and region, you will be provided a contact number or the ability to setup service online.

Click here to start service

For 6-pin aircraft-powered installed connections, check the condition of the plug on the headset and the jack on the aircraft.

Check for any debris in the connector on the aircraft and check if any of the six pins are missing inside the headset plug.

Note: If the aircraft has a jack for an older model Bose AHX headset that was wired to provide mono audio to the right earcup, the jack will need to be rewired since the electronics in the newer A20 cable differ.

Your product may need service.

If the steps provided do not resolve your issue, your product may need service. Follow the link below for more information on how to service your product. Depending on your product and region, you will be provided a contact number or the ability to setup service online.

Click here to start service
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