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Wave® music system IV

Sold from 2019 – present

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Clearing the product memory of paired Bluetooth devices

Your product remembers the last several Bluetooth devices it was connected to so that it can quickly and automatically reconnect to them. Removing this device memory forgets all remembered devices and allows you to start a new list of devices by connecting the ones you want remembered.

Clear the adapter memory of previously-connected Bluetooth® devices.

Using the Wave Bluetooth Music Adapter:
  1. Power on your system and select the Bluetooth source.
  2. On the remote control, press and hold the 6 button for about 10 seconds until a tone is heard.
Once the memory is cleared, the adapter enters Discoverable mode and is ready to connect a new device.

Using the SoundLink adapter for Mac or PC:
  1. Power on your system and select the SoundLink source.
  2. On the remote control, press and hold the 6 button for 10 seconds until a descending tone is heard.
    Tip: You might hear other tones while holding the button. Wait 10 seconds until a descending tone is heard, then release the button.
Once the memory is cleared, the adapter reconnects with the SoundLink USB key.
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