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SoundTouch 10 wireless speaker

Sold from 2020 – 2023

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Forgot wireless network password

If you do not know or have forgotten the security key to connect to your wireless router, try the following:

In the computer network settings, see if there is an option to display the Wi-Fi network password.

Look for the password in the router documentation.

The network password may be noted in the router owner's guide, setup guide or another document provided by your Internet service provider.

Determine if the password for the network is listed on the back or underside of the router.

The manufacturer of the router may have printed a default password on its product label. If the default settings of the router were never changed, this password should allow access to its wireless network.

Contact the person who set up the router or configured the home network.

The person who set up the router and/or network may know the network password or where to find it. Another member of the household may also know this information, as well.

Contact the internet service provider.

If the wireless router was included as part of the internet service installation, please contact your service provider for information on how to obtain the password and/or restore the default password.
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